
The Preamble

It was required of me, for the year of 2013, to create my own portfolio. It dawned on me that perhaps it would be best if I added it to my blog. I want to share my thoughts, not keep them hidden away.

For every piece of music, poetry, or visual representation I choose, my reflections will tag along with it. Writing out reflections on information the world is coughing up may be a good way to learn discernment. Music can move me. Stories can teach me. Literature can change me. I want to be prepared, and keep my eyes open for anything that does not line up with what I believe.

If you take a look up at your address bar, the webpage is called: "Test-the-spirits." I settled on this theme for my portfolio after reading 1 John 4:1 which reads:

Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether
they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.

My desire is that, by contrasting what I believe with what the world is showing me, I will develop a strong moral compass and steadfast, honest heart. I want to test the spirits that are in the world, so that I do not flippantly sell my heart to new, attractive ideas that are really the spirit of the Antichrist, as the passage states later on. I am an ambassador of a kingdom that many don't believe exists, including the spirits that are bombarding me from all sides. By digging through different material that I may have once deemed respectable and true, I hope that the Holy Spirit will work in my to purify my heart, and sharpen my conscience, that I may turn away from that which is from the Father of Lies, and stay focused on that which is from the Father of Lights!

I have organized the six streams of literature above, so the page bar at the top will act as a Table of Contents. At the end of this project, you will find my reflection on the entire process of creating this portfolio.

My goal is that, through this portfolio, I may develop a stronger understanding of what I truly believe. That can happen through searching for truth, and hunting for lies. That can happen through comparing what worldly thinkers (including myself) think, with what the Bible states.

Romans 12:2 ~ Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is- his good, pleasing, and perfect will.

Feel free to read through my thoughts on my different selections of media and narrative, and enjoy!

~Karis Rashleigh