
Looking Back . . . .

Hello again.

I suppose this looks somewhat incorrect, if you just read the preamble right before this. If that's the case, stop reading this reflection, and go read my selections of media and narrative in the categories listed at the top. You can come back later, now run along.

If you have already explored my portfolio, then I encourage you to read on. Yes, I have "technically" finished my portfolio, but that does not mean it is done. Though I no longer have any pressure to add anymore to it, that does not mean I never will. As part of the criteria, I must include a 'reflection on my portfolio-making process,' which is what I am doing right now. I guess that means I'll just observe what I noticed as I designed the page, chose the different selections, and wrote my responses on them.

For starters, I know that in my 'Preamble,' I decided to make the theme for my portfolio, "Test the Spirits." I chose that theme right at the start, partly because it is the exact reason that I made this portfolio, (other than the fact that it is a mandatory project for my English class,) but also because it just sounded... epic.

As I progressed in my portfolio and wrote more and more responses, I realized that there were other themes that were much more prominent in my choice of media. For example, I found myself writing over and over about 'growing up.' It showed up in my response to Peter Pan, my own composition- A Sailor's Lullaby, Swan Lake Theme, Into the West, and Edge of Night. In other words, the majority of my selections were based on my thoughts on growing up. I guess it's a phobia of mine- "Gerontophobia."

Another theme that was not quite as common, but definitely noticeable, was my fascination and reflection on war. I talked about it in my responses to War Horse, Some Nights, O Church Arise, and The Speech of Alexander the Great.

To summarize, I found out a lot about what occupies my thoughts, though I already sort of knew that. I discovered a little more about myself with each post. For some reason, even though they are there in my brain, writing out my thoughts somehow seems to make them solid. It somehow proves my beliefs to myself- so I think that this portfolio was a healthy portfolio in solidifying my different opinions, so that, if the need arises, I can give a definite answer, backed up with Scripture and reasoning.

Though a couple of my posts might have turned into raging rants... it was good. It was all good, and now it's over... for now, at least. It took a long time, but I'd say it was worth it. I did find it a good tool for sifting the things I've taken for granted against the truths I know. As I was searching for items to put in, I found myself thinking much harder and deeper over my memories, and into each selection, and finding meaning where I'd never found it before. It's great!

Until next time... TTFN, Ta-ta for now!

~Karis Rashleigh